
What is the AKC CGC?
The Canine Good Citizen Program (CGC) is a two-part program that emphasizes responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate and title from the American Kennel Club.
The Canine Good Citizen Program is the path to a foundation in training, and helps pave the way to other AKC activities such as obedience, agility, tracking, and performance events. It can be an official part of a resume for dogs going into ESA, Assistance, and Service work. As you work with your dog to teach the CGC skills, you'll discover the manybenefits and joys of training your dog. Training will enhance the bond between you and your dog. Dogs who have a solid obedience education are a joy to be around. They have good manners in the home and out in public. They are calm in the presence of people and other dogs. And they have a fantastic relationship with their owner, who took the time to provide training, intellectual stimulation, and high-quality life. The CGC is only a beginning. From that great start, competitive canine sports, and taking further steps in training and testing the other two levels of the CGC are goals you can achieve.
For the past ten years, the Canine Good Citizen Program has had a positive impact on many dogs, dog owners, and communities. It is a program that can help assure that dogs owners take the responsibility of dog ownership and that dogs are well-respected members in public.

Why Earn the AKC CGC?
Achieving the AKC CGC certificate and title, not only shows that your dog is a well-trained, it gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment. If you are interested in having your dog do therapy, earning the AKC CGC certificates and titles are great stepping stones in achieving that goal. Some parks, housing complexes, and events in some states will only allow access to dogs who have earned their CGC. Taking the time to certify your dog can give him or her access to places and experiences he or she may otherwise not get. For dogs going into Assistance and Service roles, CGC certifications are a significant part of validating training.
CGC, CGCA, and CGCU testing does not require classes. Anyone and any dog can take the test, though it is recommended to wait until your dog is around a year old. For more information, go to the AKCwebsite or click below.
When you feel you and your dog are ready, you may call or email me and make an appointment to take the test. When you pass, you will be given all the necessary paperwork to mail to the AKC to receive your certificate. For an additional fee, registered dogs through the AKC can also earn a title for passing the CGC. It is not required for your dog to be registered with the AKC to take the test and earn the certificate.
Testing: Contact me to schedule a testing appointment and location.
Testing Fees:
- CGC: $40
- CGCA: $45
- CGCU: $60 (conducted in Missoula or other city/urban location)

Private Training For CGC
I offer private training to help you and your dog earn the CGC certificates and titles. Private lessons will target the specific behaviors tested in the CGC, CGCA or CGCU test, to help you better prepare yourself and your dog for passing the test. We will go through every test item to determine which areas need to be focused on. Locations can vary depending on the test items you want to focus on, and so you can practice in real-life environments. For the CGCU, we will meet in Missoula and go through real-life crowd situations and distractions. You also have the ability to practice with another dog for the items that require specific behaviors in the presence of otherdogs. The testing will include a dog your dog has never met before, whether that be one of mine, or a random dog in public as required by the CGCU test. Lessons can be an hour, or you can choose to work longer, which allows you to save on travel expenses. Lessons are charged by the half-hour.
When you are ready to take the test, separate testing fees will apply.
Fee is $65 per hour plus any travel expenses outside of the Seeley Lake area.

Trick Training and Titles
Trick Training is a wonderful way to exercise your dog mentally and have fun at the same time. Dogs love learning tricks, and they are a great way to build skills and confidence and play with your dog without building endurance. Every dog needs mental stimulation and enrichment. Plus, tricks are a fun way to burn energy when weather outside is not cooperating. Ask me about the AKC Trick Training program, lessons, and how you can earn titles for your dog! There are a number of tricks you can teach your dog, and they can be simple or very complex. You'd be amazed at what you and your dog can accomplish in a one hour session. You can take a private elsson, or gather some friends and do a group session. Contact me for furtherdetails.
Group Sessions: Varies, contact me for details
Online Courses: Check out my online trick training courses!
AKC Trick Training Titles: $30 fee for evaluation for each title level.